
The Writer's Block Tarot

Created by Vivian Caethe

Tarot tells a story. Use this deck to break your writers block. Create stronger plots, more complex characters, and dynamic conflicts.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Proofs ordered!
over 7 years ago – Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 06:57:06 PM

We have ordered the proofs of the deck and the book! The book proof will allow us to ensure the book is laid out and printed to our standards and the deck proof will check the colors and make sure the printer completes the job to the necessary specifications.

Once we get those, we'll begin the revision stage over the holidays, keeping us on track to complete the project on time. 



Art is nearing completion!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 05:12:49 PM

Art stuff! Magic!
Art stuff! Magic!

When I asked Amber to send me a picture of what doing the art looked like, this is what she sent me. Which is awesome, but also looks terribly arcane to my non-art-understanding brain. Is it magic? I'm sure it's magic.

That being said, this is the post where I get to tell you that we are so close to being done with the cards that I can almost taste it! Woohoo!

Once the cards are finalized and we have both signed off on them, we will then be ready to print test books and test decks to see whether our formatting/design/colors/etc look good enough. If they don't, we'll go back to the drawing board and work on them until they do. 

Once they've finished the review process and they're the best we can make them we will order all the decks and books and then start a packing party! Woooo!

Barring any horrible accidents or uncertainties, we are looking good to have these to all backers by the April 2017 deadline.



Research Done! Woohoo!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 12:00:16 AM

Hello everybody! It's good to see you again!

So one of the reasons I have been incommunicado is that I have been deeply in the trenches of researching the history section. Even though the history section is only around 1500 words, I wanted to read a breadth of sources so that I could give a well-rounded perspective on it. Plus, when I do research, it is Very Serious and should always be undertaken with at least ten sources, if not more. 

That being said, the book is dooooone! Woot. It's going to look absolutely amazing and I can't wait to share it with you. Amber is doing the layout/design of the book and I couldn't be more pleased. It's going to have sections on each card (with descriptions on how to interpret them) and then a section in the back on how to read with spreads, including some spreads that I designed solely for this deck. 

If you want a sort of similar example of how the book is going to look (and this may change depending on the layout needs, so grain of salt), check out Eden Gray's Mastering the Tarot: Basic Lessons in an Ancient Mystic Art and The Complete Guide to the Tarot. I really liked her format in how she has an introduction, then a page for each of the Major Arcana, and so forth. Also for those new to Tarot, these books are a pretty good overview of how to use the cards in general as long as you start out with the Rider Waite.

Amber is still working hard on the art and my aim for the next post is to get an image of a card-in-progress from her, so you can see a little of what she's doing as well. 

Thank you all again!



The research!
almost 8 years ago – Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 04:13:28 PM

Here is the pile of books I have so far for my research on the historical chapter of the book for the Writer's Block Tarot! I've been diving into them and can't way to share my research with you! Annotated bibliographies are fun! (Don't worry, it'll be at the back of the book if it's not your kind of thing.)

Some of these I've read before, such as "Jung and Tarot" by Sallie Nichols and "The Tarot: History, Symbolism and Divination" by Robert Place and others are new to me. I do recommend the Nichols and Place books highly to any student of the tarot (and I will include them in my recommended reading section of the book as well). 

One of the tricky parts about writing about the history of the tarot is separating the literal history from the metaphysical history. There are many misconceptions about the mundane history (propagated by the Victorians and their inheritors, mostly) and it will take some doing to extract them while still being respectful of the spiritual history of the tarot and those who hold those beliefs. 

Those are my goals at least with writing this history. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you!


Check your junk mail!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, May 25, 2016 at 03:19:41 PM

All of the surveys have been sent out, so you should have yours by now. However, I have been receiving some reports that they have been filtered into spam or junk boxes, so be sure to check there. About 90 percent of you have filled them out so far, which is absolutely fantastic. Thank you all so much!

We can't wait to share this project with you and both Amber and I are working hard on making this thing happen. We're choosing images for the cards and working toward getting the court cards finalized now. Next we'll be working on the Minor Arcana, but that will take longer as it is 56 cards. Still, terribly exciting.

Also terribly exciting is the research I'm working on for the historical section of the Tarot book. I can't wait to share that with you as well.

Finally, if you are interested in seeing what I'm up to as a writer, please feel free to check out my Patreon where I'm working on a novel! Plus you'll see a video with me actually talking with my face, instead of just my hands!

You all are the best.

