
The Writer's Block Tarot

Created by Vivian Caethe

Tarot tells a story. Use this deck to break your writers block. Create stronger plots, more complex characters, and dynamic conflicts.

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about 8 years ago – Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 08:26:10 AM

You people are absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for your early support. I can't wait to share this project with everyone. 

We've gotten some early feedback and so the first thing we're going to do once we're funded is provide everyone backing at levels $20 and up with a PDF copy of the book to go with their deck. This should allow for greater accessibility and options for everyone. We probably won't do ebook version (mobi or epub) simply because the book incorporates the card images, which would make it tricky to make the ebook look good and readable on all devices. 

Thank you again!
